Day 314: The Big Leaf

Different cultures have many different traditions for “clearing the palate” between courses.

Some enjoy sipping water and then spitting it back out (in a word: yuck).

Others like to ingest and chew a small stick of something, after which they often spontaneously emit flimsy round structures from their mouths.

Still others gravitate towards the chewing of small white seeds (which is fine in theory, so long as you don’t mind seeds that don’t taste like seeds).

Thankfully, part of “evolution” is the opportunity to develop your own (vastly superior) palate-clearing routine to pass along to future generations of grateful gourmands.

Gosh I wonder where my next course is. Of course I had to get the slowest waitress again....figures.
Gosh I wonder where my next course is. Of course I had to get the slowest waitress….again.
Well, yes, I do enjoy a tasty green leaf to clear my palate between courses.
Well, yes, I do enjoy a tasty green leaf to clear my palate between courses.
I just didn't expect that our last training session would stick.
I just didn’t expect that our last training session would stick.
Now watch closely, Mom, since you'll probably get lots of questions from other diners wanting to try this after I'm finished.
Now watch closely, Mom, since you’ll probably get lots of questions from other diners wanting to try this after I’m finished.
First you just gently nibble the leaf along the edges of your beak.
First you just gently nibble the leaf along the edges of your beak.
Then you can take larger nibbles to clear the mouth.
Then you can take larger nibbles to clear the mouth.
Followed by one final "Big Leaf" full immersion CHOMP to clear all the senses before your next course.
Followed by one final “Big Leaf” full immersion CHOMP to clear all the senses before your next course.

Author: Shannon Cutts
Co-Author: Pearl Cutts



p.s. Pearl is very excited about his new online SHOP

He invites all of his VIP fans (yes, that means YOU) to visit, browse and – of course – buy! 🙂


Published by Shannon Cutts

Animal sensitive and intuitive with Animal Love Languages. Parrot, tortoise and box turtle mama. Dachshund auntie. Freelance writer and author.

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