Big or small, short or tall, young or old, rich or poor, feathered or featherless, there is so much happiness to be found in this world.

And since Monday is the most stressful day of the week for many featherless beings (on account of something called “work”), Pearl figures it is also the perfect day for his weekly tutorial on finding happiness!

Here is this week’s very feathery entry:

Happiness is....when your mommy sits up straight in her work chair so you can enjoy the soft, comfy parrot-sized pillow she put there just for you.
Happiness is….when your mommy sits up straight in her work chair so you can enjoy the soft, comfy parrot-sized pillow she put behind her just for you.

Now you try it!

“Happiness is…… (fill in the blanks with one or many entries!)”

BeakOGraphRight_cropPost your entries in the comments section below to be entered into a drawing to win a FREE beak-o-graphed BOOK (1 entry per person; 1 book drawing per month while supplies last).

With love (& lots of feathers),

Shannon & Pearl

Published by Shannon Cutts

Animal sensitive and intuitive with Animal Love Languages. Parrot, tortoise and box turtle mama. Dachshund auntie. Freelance writer and author. www.animallovelanguages.com

3 thoughts on “Happiness Is…. (WIN A FREE BOOK MONDAY)

    1. Hi Sharon – you are our October FREE BOOK winner – congrats! Just send me your preferred mailing address to shannon @ loveandfeathers.com and we will have your beak-o-graphed book winging its way to you right away no waiting (just the way Pearl likes it!) ❤


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