Being Brave with Bruce: Hay Is for Hibernating

box turtle in hay for hibernation

Being a box turtle means you have a cozy home ready and waiting anytime you are in the mood for some you-time.

When it is warm out, you might feel like staying out late, making hay while the sun shines, so to speak.

But when temperatures cool down and the days grow short, you are ready for another kind of hay.

The kind that makes your already-cozy little box even cozier.

Here, it is a nice extra touch that your insulation of choice just happens to color-coordinate perfectly with your stylish personal box.

But the most important part is that you have lots and lots of it so you stay toasty warm for your long winter nap.

box turtle in hay for hibernation
When you look this cute, you can make the hay look good all year long!

two hearts
Bruce & his mama

Published by Shannon Cutts

Animal sensitive and intuitive with Animal Love Languages. Parrot, tortoise and box turtle mama. Dachshund auntie. Freelance writer and author.

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