The Surprising Secret Life of Cheerios

And I don’t mean as in “Glee”. I mean as in the cereal. If you own a pet, say a dog, you are probably well aware of the surprising turns your companion’s culinary palate can take. But if you own a bird, apart from inroads into the traditional crackers and green houseplants, you might notContinueContinue reading “The Surprising Secret Life of Cheerios”

Shiny Things

There’s not really any other way to say it. My bird likes shiny things. A LOT. For instance, my blender: Or, should I say, “our” blender. She doesn’t like it because of what it can do, however (in fact, I suspect that the sounds it makes must remind her of a giant masticating vulture….at leastContinueContinue reading “Shiny Things”

75 Grams Soaking Wet

One of my favorite books is called “Wesley the Owl”. Check it out if you have time – it’s an incredible story. Wesley was a barn owl who was found injured as a tiny infant owl. Since he would never be able to fly well enough to be re-released into the wild, a junior owlContinueContinue reading “75 Grams Soaking Wet”

Avian Yoga

No matter how many years I practice yoga, Pearl always goes me one better. I have studied with anusara master John Friend in New York, bent and twisted in a traditional punjabi while my Hindi-only speaking teacher barked posture orders in India, sweated it out to Bikram’s oh-so-accurately named “hot yoga”… I turn my backContinueContinue reading “Avian Yoga”

Welcome to Love & Feathers

As I write this my red betta fish, Gill, is motionless in his bowl, staring in my direction, gill flaps flared. This is either the universal signal for “feed me (again)” or he thinks I’m the perennial bigger fish. I’ll keep you posted. Love & Feathers is a relatively new project for me. By nowContinueContinue reading “Welcome to Love & Feathers”