Day 172: My Popcorn, Part 2

As previously discussed in detail, sometimes your large featherless assistant doesn’t do a thorough enough job of screening your snack candidates.

This can mean your snack may get quite feisty as you are trying to ingest it.

Luckily, your super-secret .007 spy training included a course in advanced snack hand-to-hand combat tactics.

Mom? How much time did you spend screening today's snack candidates?
Mom? How much time did you spend screening today’s snack candidates?
Not a lot of time, if I had to guess.
Not a lot of time, if I had to guess.
Yah - that's right, sucka! You can't escape the clutches of .007, super-secret spy!
Yah – that’s right, sucka! You can’t escape the clutches of .007, super-secret spy and vanquisher of snack-sized prey!
How about you over here? I hope you are feeling more cooperative.
How about you over here? I hope you are feeling more cooperative.
Or not....
Or not….
Not that it matters. If I say you're going to be my delicious snack, you're going to be my delicious snack.
Not that it matters. If I say you’re going to be my delicious snack, you’re going to be my delicious snack.
Oh there you are, Mom.
Oh there you are, Mom. After I’m done eating, we need to review the “snack candidate selection criteria” again. In detail.

Author: Shannon Cutts
Co-Author: Pearl Cutts

p.s. FREEBIE ALERT! Read the introduction & 3 full chapters from Pearl’s new book – absolutely FREE! ==> Click here to start reading now <==

Published by Shannon Cutts

Animal sensitive and intuitive with Animal Love Languages. Parrot, tortoise and box turtle mama. Dachshund auntie. Freelance writer and author.

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