The Good Luck Ladybug

There is no doubt the large featherless beings have some odd traditions, especially right around a festive occasion they call the “New Year.”

For example, some of them like to acquire special items to attract more of something they call “luck.”

The way you see it, luck must be something you only need if you don’t have any feathers.

Your large featherless assistant’s personal favorite charm (other than you, of course) is a being called a “ladybug.”

She likes to collect them – as if she needed any more luck when you are always right there!

Enter Exhibit A: the "ladybug."
Mom’s “good luck ladybug.”
So this is a ladybug. Well, it is nice and soft beneath my sweet pink feet.
So this is a ladybug. Well, it is nice and soft beneath my sweet pink feet – I’ll give it that.
Although i have to say, as far as bringing luck quickly, it doesn't seem that fast.
Although I have to say, as far as bringing “luck” quickly, it doesn’t seem that fast.
Not fast at all.
Not fast at all.
Although come to think of it, my large featherless assistant isn't fast either.
But come to think of it, my large featherless assistant isn’t that fast either. Maybe that is why she likes to get the ladybug at the beginning of the New Year, so it will have all year to bring the luck.
Oh there you are, Mom - are you feeling luckier already now that I'm sitting right on top of your lucky charm?
Oh there you are, Mom! What do you mean, “no pooping on the ladybug?” That will probably double your luck – maybe even triple it!

With love (& lots of feathers),

Shannon & Pearl

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Published by Shannon Cutts

Animal sensitive and intuitive with Animal Love Languages. Parrot, tortoise and box turtle mama. Dachshund auntie. Freelance writer and author.

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