Pearl the Cute Cockatiel: Lap Supervisor

Supervision is an art. Most beings think they are great supervisors. Few beings are actually great supervisors. One big problem here is that the best supervisors have feathers….and most supervisors can’t grow any feathers of their own. Which handily explains the ongoing trend towards plunging employee morale. Luckily, there is an equally handy workaround. WeContinueContinue reading “Pearl the Cute Cockatiel: Lap Supervisor”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Cute By Association

You know what they say. A muffin a day makes your true love stay. Or it makes your cuteness remain. Or something like that. In any case, a muffin is always a good idea. Muffins are very tasty. And you look plump and perfect consuming them. This means you radiate even more “cuteness.” Which isContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Cute By Association”