Day 359: The Tortoise and the Sea Turtle

There are some great perks to living an indoor/outdoor lifestyle as a redfoot tortoise. Your daily life is definitely more posh and personalized than most others of your kind. But cohabitating with the large shell-less beings (not to mention the small shrieking feathered species) can take some getting used to. Sometimes, you just need toContinueContinue reading “Day 359: The Tortoise and the Sea Turtle”

Day 326: The Redfoot Of Many Colors

When you are born with red-dotted feet, it doesn’t take a lot of mental revving to figure out how the powers-that-be came up with your common species name. But just because you are known for having red dots, that doesn’t mean you can’t have other colors of dots as well. For example, perhaps you decideContinueContinue reading “Day 326: The Redfoot Of Many Colors”

Day 293: A Tortoise and Her Blanket

Being a tropical tortoise from South America, you know exactly how you like your climate. WARM. Warm is good. Warmer is better. Very very warm is best of all. Since you don’t prefer to spend the cold weather days buried under a big pile of dusty hay like your smaller, clearly less discerning shelled brother,ContinueContinue reading “Day 293: A Tortoise and Her Blanket”

Malti’s Munchies

Malti LOVES to eat. She wasn’t picky when I first brought her home, but as she grows she is discovering more about what she likes best and least. This has made providing a nutritionally balanced diet a touch more challenging for her mommy. Ideally, at least half her diet should consist of fruits and veggies.ContinueContinue reading “Malti’s Munchies”