Day 287: A Tortoise’s Favorite Seat

When it comes to seating, it doesn’t really matter what species you are. Everyone has their preferences. For instance, your own personal taste may run to sitting on top of things. Or perhaps you prefer to sit underneath things. Maybe you like your seats more simple and spare….or plush and fluffy. If you aren’t sureContinueContinue reading “Day 287: A Tortoise’s Favorite Seat”

Day 248: The Scent of a Tortoise

If there is one thing shelled beings have in abundance (besides “cuteness” of course) it is self-esteem. After all, when you are born as a cute, smart, compact and remarkably self-sufficient red-footed tortoise, what’s not to love about being you? That fragrance you are emitting? It is the exotic “eau de tortoise,” of course. AndContinueContinue reading “Day 248: The Scent of a Tortoise”

Day 191: Redfoot Tortoise Is a Standup Girl

No one thinks of tortoises as being “tall.” Nope. If you are born wearing a shell on your back, everything thinks you are short and slow and all they see is a rock on legs. At first. If you have a shell and you want to really give your large shell-less assistant a shock, thereContinueContinue reading “Day 191: Redfoot Tortoise Is a Standup Girl”

Day 188: Tortoise Knows How to Look (& Stay) Cool

When juvenile shell-less beings hang out, they have this tendency to slouch….something about “looking cool.” As a tortoise who has been cohabitating with an interspecies flock for a time, you might find it interesting to try out some of these new mannerisms you are observing. After all, you are a “juvenile” also – and “lookingContinueContinue reading “Day 188: Tortoise Knows How to Look (& Stay) Cool”

Day 185: Tortoise Gets the Ball Rolling

When you are lucky enough to be born a tortoise, “cuteness” can be very useful for getting your large shell-less assistant’s attention. Do something ridiculously easy that she thinks you could never do and voila – the world is your oyster (or your freeze-dried mealworm, preferably). Of course, this can backfire if you do tooContinueContinue reading “Day 185: Tortoise Gets the Ball Rolling”

Day 176: Tortoises With a (Red Dotted) Face

The large shell-less beings aren’t the only ones who care about fashion. Style is just one of those interests that crosses gender, age and….species. After all, the more stylish you become, the cuter you feel – and look! Let’s say, for instance, after perusing your many style options and choices, you decide to go withContinueContinue reading “Day 176: Tortoises With a (Red Dotted) Face”

Day 155: The Littlest Tortoise Lawnmower

The large shell-less being here…. Having a tortoise in the flock is kind of like having a very specialized lawn mower. It mows alright, but not in the way you might expect. For example, it might leave whole stands of tall fresh grass waving in place and make a beeline for the pricey new sunflowerContinueContinue reading “Day 155: The Littlest Tortoise Lawnmower”

Day 128: For the Best Seat in the House (Move the Tortoise)

There is this saying, “if you want the best seat in the house, you have to move the dog.” As if. If you really want the best seat in the casa, well, good luck. Because chances are good a small, very cute shelled being is already sitting in it. And it is very hard toContinueContinue reading “Day 128: For the Best Seat in the House (Move the Tortoise)”

Day 116: We Eat Them Tasty Books

It is hungry work carrying around a big heavy shell on your back. On the plus side, anytime you are ready to go home, you can just sit down. On the minus side, sometimes wherever you happen to be when you are ready to rest doesn’t offer the best selection of snacks. But, fortification beingContinueContinue reading “Day 116: We Eat Them Tasty Books”

Day 104: Tortoise Creature Comforts

Some beings mildly appreciate so-called “creature comforts” when the opportunity presents itself. Other beings dive in to comfy-ness (a technical term) like an Olympic swimmer dives into a pool. This, of course, is because you were born for comfort. Made for it, in fact. You are so all about getting comfortable and staying that wayContinueContinue reading “Day 104: Tortoise Creature Comforts”