Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Cute By Association

You know what they say. A muffin a day makes your true love stay. Or it makes your cuteness remain. Or something like that. In any case, a muffin is always a good idea. Muffins are very tasty. And you look plump and perfect consuming them. This means you radiate even more “cuteness.” Which isContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Cute By Association”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Let Your Beak Shine Brightly

As a gourmet connoisseur with feathers, it doesn’t take long to notice different diners have different rating systems. For example, your large featherless flock mates like to use stars. Which is okay. It could be worse. Like shells or something. Feathers would be better. But the best – by far – is to show ratherContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Let Your Beak Shine Brightly”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Snooze Button

Sheltering in place should be its own sport. Perils await right out of the starting gate….at least if you happen to be one of the large featherless beings. For starters….jammies. They are comfy. Naps. They do a body good. And happy hour? How about every hour! When you are born covered in soft downy feathers, youContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Snooze Button”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: the Feathers and the Fur

Sometimes old sayings are the truest sayings. Birds of a feather flock together. Hear, hear. Especially if they happen to be fetching and feathery eligible ladybirds and you are a single, solo and suave manly manbird. Yet not everyone shares your (wise and wonderful) world view. Let’s say you happen to live in an interspeciesContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: the Feathers and the Fur”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Feather Carpet

Everyone is keen to get famous these days. Even if we can’t always go outside to wow and amaze every being we meet, there is always a place where we can go to strut our stuff. The large rectangular reflective device is right there waiting. All you have to do is hop up and makeContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Feather Carpet”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Your Inner Eagle

Some days, being perceived as small and fluffy and cute might suit you. Delicacies and neck feather scratches and posh new wicker nests appear like magic. The world is keenly aware of your presence and eagerly keen to get as close to you as possible. But then there are the other days. The days whenContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Your Inner Eagle”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Be Your Best You

Being born can be pretty exciting. You tumble out of your small oval (and perfectly you-sized) escape pod and this is the moment you find out….what you got. Did you get feathers? (hope hope hope) Or a shell (please to goodness no) None of the above? Regardless, it is time to start making the mostContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Be Your Best You”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: No Waffling

Sometimes you just know. This tends to happen more often when you have feathers, however. Feathered beings are naturally very confident. They are also naturally very cute. This is not a coincidence. The moment an adorable feathered being tumbles out of their small oval-shaped escape pod and hears their first “oohs” and “ahhhs” of theContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: No Waffling”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Dinner and a Show

As every very cute being knows, “cuteness” is its own language. All other explanations are optional. You can just show up, look very cute, and watch all the other beings rearrange themselves in line behind you. This is always convenient. Where it becomes especially convenient is when a choice delicacy appears. Everyone wants it. AndContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Dinner and a Show”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Nest for Success

As any manly manbird will tell you, nesting is not for amateurs. Nothing is, when there are ladybirds involved. Ladybirds can be particularly, well, particular, especially when it comes to their eggs. Only the poshest, softest, safest, most secure and private nesting site will do. And that nesting site must be manned by the fiercestContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Nest for Success”