Resting in Place with Malti: Zoom Zoom

When you are born with a shell no one thinks you can zoom. It is the weight, they explain. The shell. It is so heavy. It slows you down. But you know the truth. Where there is a will to zoom, there is always a way. For example, let’s say your large shell-less assistant (whoContinueContinue reading “Resting in Place with Malti: Zoom Zoom”

Being Brave with Bruce: Hello Love

Some days are just different than all the others. You won’t necessarily know it when you wake up. That this will be the day you will be rescued. Meet your person – the one who will care for you for life. Join your forever flock. Maybe all you know is that you are going toContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Hello Love”

Resting in Place with Malti: Coming Out

There is a reason shelled beings are so fascinating to beings who don’t have shells. (Okay, there are many reasons. But this one seems to rather reliably top the list.) When you have a shell right above your own head, you don’t have to worry about all kinds of things non-shelled beings have to dealContinueContinue reading “Resting in Place with Malti: Coming Out”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Stage Parront

From the perspective of the paparazzi, being born covered in soft fetching feathers means you’ve got it made. Welcome to a lifetime of adoration. The heavens will part. Waffle-flavored snacks will pour from the sky (or at least from your personal Small Chef’s kitchen). Beings without any feathers will clamor for your beak-o-graph. Ladybirds willContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Stage Parront”

Being Brave with Bruce: Making An Entrance

As spring swings into full gear, things start to get competitive. At least if you happen to be in the egg-making frame of mind. After the long winter’s sleep, everyone is well rested (perhaps a little too well rested). Sure, you look very cute. You’ve checked and double checked and triple checked and all signsContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Making An Entrance”

Resting in Place with Malti: You Don’t Snooze You Lose

Resting in place isn’t for pretenders. There is an art to resting properly for longer stretches of time. Many beings waste their rest time by, well, not resting. You don’t snooze you lose. Luckily, as a shelled being, you come from a long and noble lineage of professional resters. Sure, there is a conservation aspectContinueContinue reading “Resting in Place with Malti: You Don’t Snooze You Lose”

Being Brave with Bruce: Tall Dark and Climbing

Every being has their talents. Their secret sauce. Their special skills. This is never more apparent than when you choose to cohabitate in an interspecies flock. Your flock mates come in all shapes and sizes. And their talents are….what is the best way to put this….unique. Take your small feathery brother, for instance. His specialContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Tall Dark and Climbing”

Resting in Place with Malti: Plan B

It is good to be warm. Especially if you happen to be a so-called “cold-blooded” being (although you have it on good personal authority that your actual blood is toasty warm just like everybody else’s). And if you also happen to be a tropical South American being, being warm is very, very good. Oh soContinueContinue reading “Resting in Place with Malti: Plan B”

Resting in Place with Malti: Leafy Does It

When you are born with a shell, you also come packed chock-full o’ wisdom. Here is an example. Where your large shell-less assistant might worry herself sick about a daily schedule of sheltering in place followed by more sheltering in place, you easily see past all that to the silver lining. If you’re gonna stayContinueContinue reading “Resting in Place with Malti: Leafy Does It”

Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Feather Carpet

Everyone is keen to get famous these days. Even if we can’t always go outside to wow and amaze every being we meet, there is always a place where we can go to strut our stuff. The large rectangular reflective device is right there waiting. All you have to do is hop up and makeContinueContinue reading “Cuteness for Comfort with Pearl: Feather Carpet”