Bruce the Box Turtle: Box Lunch

Being a part of the greater food chain o’ life means staying present. If it is breakfast time, for example, you definitely want to stay focused on breakfast. Getting it and not becoming it, that is. Some mornings, it might be all you can do to forage up sufficient victuals to get you through toContinueContinue reading “Bruce the Box Turtle: Box Lunch”

Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: Making Contact

When you are born with a completely secure mobile home perched right on top of your own four legs, it is pretty hard to imagine life without it. That handy box helps you avoid oh so many of life’s perils, from awkward social exchanges to being plated and served. But sometimes your box can getContinueContinue reading “Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: Making Contact”

Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: If One Is Good Two Is Better

Good looks are good looks. You know when you’ve got them. And how you know is when your admirers just keep showing up. You hide under your cute curved olive-toned shell. But the moment you peek one of your whirling red eyes back out again, there they are. Waiting. Eagerly. You sneak underneath your fernsContinueContinue reading “Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: If One Is Good Two Is Better”

Bruce the Box Turtle: Downward Facing Turtle

There are lots of advantages to coming fully equipped with your own private box. Shelter? No problem! Camouflage? You’ve got that covered. Naptime? Check. But flexibility? This isn’t precisely the first thing that comes to mind when other beings look at you. Happily, you know exactly how to change that. Let’s say your large shell-lessContinueContinue reading “Bruce the Box Turtle: Downward Facing Turtle”

Being Brave with Bruce: the Tallest Box Turtle in the World

As a being covered by a solid stealth shell both top and bottom, you know firsthand how appearances can be deceiving. Other beings might look at you and see only what they choose to see. Hungry beings might see lunch (as in you, plated and served. shudder.). Lady shelled beings might see a suave soloContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: the Tallest Box Turtle in the World”

Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: Hand In Paw

Meet and greets with a species that is not your own can present some challenges. For starters, perhaps where you come from there typically aren’t any (on account of how you never really can know for sure when “meeting” might turn into “eating”). But then you happen upon a rather odd and very large shell-lessContinueContinue reading “Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: Hand In Paw”

Being Brave with Bruce: Hello Love

Some days are just different than all the others. You won’t necessarily know it when you wake up. That this will be the day you will be rescued. Meet your person – the one who will care for you for life. Join your forever flock. Maybe all you know is that you are going toContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Hello Love”

Being Brave with Bruce: Simply Irresistible

There is no doubt that some beings pop out cuter than others. It doesn’t seem fair, but there it is. However, being perched at the very tippy top of the “cuteness chain” isn’t all sunshine and lady box turtles. It can also get you plated and served faster than you can say “your order isContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Simply Irresistible”

Being Brave with Bruce: Food Chain Friends

Regardless of your ranking in the greater food chain o’ life, it can be a full time job to figure out the difference between friends, enemies and frenemies. In other words, some beings always want to eat you. Some never do. And some are only interested if someone tastier isn’t available. When in doubt -ContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Food Chain Friends”

Being Brave with Bruce: Sunny Side Up

No matter how hard you try to avoid it, there may be days when you just wake up feeling like the sun isn’t shining inside you. It is behind the clouds somewhere. Or taking a break. Or maybe it went on vacation. While sometimes this feeling passes quite quickly, at other times it may linger.ContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Sunny Side Up”