Bruce the Box Turtle: Box Lunch

Being a part of the greater food chain o’ life means staying present. If it is breakfast time, for example, you definitely want to stay focused on breakfast. Getting it and not becoming it, that is. Some mornings, it might be all you can do to forage up sufficient victuals to get you through toContinueContinue reading “Bruce the Box Turtle: Box Lunch”

Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: Making Contact

When you are born with a completely secure mobile home perched right on top of your own four legs, it is pretty hard to imagine life without it. That handy box helps you avoid oh so many of life’s perils, from awkward social exchanges to being plated and served. But sometimes your box can getContinueContinue reading “Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: Making Contact”

Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: If One Is Good Two Is Better

Good looks are good looks. You know when you’ve got them. And how you know is when your admirers just keep showing up. You hide under your cute curved olive-toned shell. But the moment you peek one of your whirling red eyes back out again, there they are. Waiting. Eagerly. You sneak underneath your fernsContinueContinue reading “Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: If One Is Good Two Is Better”

Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: Hand In Paw

Meet and greets with a species that is not your own can present some challenges. For starters, perhaps where you come from there typically aren’t any (on account of how you never really can know for sure when “meeting” might turn into “eating”). But then you happen upon a rather odd and very large shell-lessContinueContinue reading “Bruce the Rescued Box Turtle: Hand In Paw”

Being Brave with Bruce: Making An Entrance

As spring swings into full gear, things start to get competitive. At least if you happen to be in the egg-making frame of mind. After the long winter’s sleep, everyone is well rested (perhaps a little too well rested). Sure, you look very cute. You’ve checked and double checked and triple checked and all signsContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Making An Entrance”

Being Brave with Bruce: Warmer Days to Come

If you love to sleep, there is no better species to be than a box turtle. Talk about a sleep maestro! When everyone else is slogging through the cold and the damp and the windy that is the cold season, you are hunkered down for an extended restful snooze. (On a side note, this handilyContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Warmer Days to Come”

Being Brave with Bruce: Window of the Soul

The decision to join an interspecies flock is not one to be taken lightly. There will be challenges. For sure. Take communication, for example. You won’t be able to have any – at least not at first. Because of this, every single aspect of flock life will seem to proceed at a glacial pace, withContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Window of the Soul”

Being Brave with Bruce: One of a Kind You

Being born with a cute curved shell and adorable orange cheek patches can make it seem like it would be so easy to be yourself. After all, who wouldn’t want to be you? The cuteness! The preciousness! The perfectness! But then again, it is all a matter of perspective. To some beings, just the sightContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: One of a Kind You”

Being Brave with Bruce: Best Laid Plans

Plans are good. In fact, plans are great. Or at least they are great until they stop working. Just like there is something to be said for planning ahead, strategizing, sticking to the tried and true, so too is there a place for mixing things up when your best laid plans have clearly made otherContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Best Laid Plans”

Being Brave with Bruce: Claws for Days

When participation in the food chain o’ life isn’t an elective, you want to make sure you bring your very best A-game (and all its fancy accessories) to every single interaction. Suit up and then show up, so to speak. Speaking of accessories, here it can help to have a range of options to matchContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Claws for Days”