Being Brave with Bruce: Coming Out of Your Box

You know you’ve won the genetic lottery when you pop out of your small round white escape pod and discover you are wearing a handy “box.” So unlike most beings (aka the less lucky ones), you’ve just traded one cloaking device for another. Anytime something wanders by that looks a little too curious – orContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Coming Out of Your Box”

Happiest Holidays from Our Little Flock to Yours!

Have we told you lately how happy you make us? Your good company has made this very challenging year so much brighter! We hope this post finds you well, warm, safe, comfy, resting and relaxing and enjoying all the victuals and all the love. Because you are loved, you know. You are thought of andContinueContinue reading “Happiest Holidays from Our Little Flock to Yours!”

Pearl, Malti & Bruce Now Have a Patreon!

Being an ambassador animal for your whole species takes a lot of hard work. Well, mostly it takes a lot of “cuteness,” but still. When you’ve got it, you’ve got to share it, and that means bringing your “A” game (or your “B” game if you happen to be Bruce) to each and every photoContinueContinue reading “Pearl, Malti & Bruce Now Have a Patreon!”

Being Brave with Bruce: Warmer Days to Come

If you love to sleep, there is no better species to be than a box turtle. Talk about a sleep maestro! When everyone else is slogging through the cold and the damp and the windy that is the cold season, you are hunkered down for an extended restful snooze. (On a side note, this handilyContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Warmer Days to Come”

Being Brave with Bruce: Trust Does a Body Good

“Trust” isn’t a very popular concept in the greater food chain o’ life. In other words, it’s all one big happy until somebody gets eaten. But just because trusting others didn’t exactly come pre-installed in your survival skills 101 toolkit doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to trust when the moment is right. Let’s sayContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Trust Does a Body Good”

Being Brave with Bruce: Looking Up

Low to the ground is a very interesting place to live. There is so much to see and do! When you keep your eyes on the ground, you will be the first to spot that plump and perfectly slow escargot arriving just in time for your noon repast. Fixing your eyes on the low horizonContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Looking Up”

Being Brave with Bruce: Use Your Box

There is something to be said for using your voice. Then again, there is also something to be said for using your box. In other words, it isn’t always the right time to stand up and be counted…especially if what’s doing the counting looks hungry. Just as there is a time to look for ladyContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Use Your Box”

Being Brave with Bruce: Safety for Shells

Nature can come up with some pretty savvy safety features. For example, let’s say you come shooting out of your small white round escape pad with a shell on your back, a secret stash of snacks and a super-stealthy set of markings that lets you blend in whenever, wherever. For awhile, you feel very safe.ContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Safety for Shells”

Being Brave with Bruce: Claws of Cuteness

There are few things in life that a heaping helping of “cuteness” can’t solve. But when one of those few things finally happens along, it is good to have a backup plan. Take the present-day global band of microscopic marauders, for example. They are known to be just as susceptible to cuteness as anyone else.ContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Claws of Cuteness”

Being Brave with Bruce: Box Turtle Booty Shot

When you look good, you know it. You can feel it – deep in your gut. You can see it in the eyes of other (envious) beings as they pass by. You can know it by how you are always on the menu (even after you have submitted multiple requests to be removed). But thereContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Box Turtle Booty Shot”