Being Brave with Bruce: Hello Love

Some days are just different than all the others. You won’t necessarily know it when you wake up. That this will be the day you will be rescued. Meet your person – the one who will care for you for life. Join your forever flock. Maybe all you know is that you are going toContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Hello Love”

Being Brave with Bruce: Making An Entrance

As spring swings into full gear, things start to get competitive. At least if you happen to be in the egg-making frame of mind. After the long winter’s sleep, everyone is well rested (perhaps a little too well rested). Sure, you look very cute. You’ve checked and double checked and triple checked and all signsContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Making An Entrance”

Being Brave with Bruce: Tall Dark and Climbing

Every being has their talents. Their secret sauce. Their special skills. This is never more apparent than when you choose to cohabitate in an interspecies flock. Your flock mates come in all shapes and sizes. And their talents are….what is the best way to put this….unique. Take your small feathery brother, for instance. His specialContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Tall Dark and Climbing”

Being Brave with Bruce: Smooth Box Turtle Moves

There’s no delicate way to say it. When you’ve got it, you’ve got it. But how can you know for sure that you’ve got it? One good way to know is to check on either side of your head. Do you see bright orange cheek patches? Yup. You’ve got it. Another way to know forContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Smooth Box Turtle Moves”

Being Brave with Bruce: If the Slipper Fits

Just because you are a single, solo and suave manly male box turtle doesn’t mean all your worries are over. There is such a thing as survival of the species. Here, it is going to take more than sheer force of cuteness to accomplish this goal. After all, you don’t exactly stand out. In fact,ContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: If the Slipper Fits”

Being Brave with Bruce: Tell Tail Signs

Hiding is an art. It is not enough to just be wearing camouflage. Or to be very stealthy. Or even to have the ability to close up entirely into your ground-covered box. To hide effectively, you can’t think like yourself. Or even like your apex predator. Nope. To hide to the point where seeking becomesContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Tell Tail Signs”

Being Brave with Bruce: Long Winter Nap

When you depend on the weather to regulate your personal thermostat, all seasons are not created equally. This is why summer is for basking. Socializing. Making (er) eggs while the sun shines. And winter? Winter is for napping. When it gets cold outside, the last place you want to be is out there with it.ContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Long Winter Nap”

Being Brave with Bruce: Making Friends

Making your own way in the world isn’t for the un-brave. Every day, there are decisions to be made, choices to be weighed. Hide or hunt? Eat this or that? Stay low or say hi? Whether your goal o’ the moment is to forage up some lunch or avoid becoming dinner,  the outcome rests solelyContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Making Friends”

Being Brave with Bruce: Happy Days

Interspecies life can open your mind to a whole new perspective. You can learn new customs you might never have known about otherwise. For instance, you’ve noticed how every so often a day will arrive that your flock mates like to add the word “happy” to. Happy birthday. Happy holidays. Happy World Turtle Day (aContinueContinue reading “Being Brave with Bruce: Happy Days”

Happy Nearly New Year to You from Pearl, Malti, Bruce & all of us!

Boy oh boy oh boy! It is nearly here. Like in just a handful of minutes, seconds and hours. 2021. The year we’ve all been waiting nearly all of 2020 to get to. It is right there. We can almost see it. Hear it. Smell it. Taste it (at least if you are Malti). WhatContinueContinue reading “Happy Nearly New Year to You from Pearl, Malti, Bruce & all of us!”