Day 348: The Box Is Closed

There are basically two kinds of beings in this world: those who wear their box on the outside and those who wear their box on the inside. Clearly, it is far more advantageous to be in the former group. This is obvious for many reasons, chief among which is how few beings belong in thisContinueContinue reading “Day 348: The Box Is Closed”

Day 345: Box Turtle Nap Time

One of the biggest things to get used to after being rescued is the nonstop attention. Your rescue mama really wants you to feel at home, safe, cared for….so much so that she checks on you one or a hundred times a day (hour). It is great to know you are loved, wanted, adored. ButContinueContinue reading “Day 345: Box Turtle Nap Time”

Day 342: Box Turtle Brunch

Being rescued can take some getting used to. After being so long on your own, never sure what a day may bring, just you against the world, suddenly you are part of a flock. They do things quite differently than anything you have ever experienced before. For instance, whereas before the only way you everContinueContinue reading “Day 342: Box Turtle Brunch”

Day 339: Box Turtle Blends In

There are lots of evolutionary advantages to being colorful. For example, having different colors on different body parts helps you artfully camouflage yourself in different environments. Of course, there is also an art to showing the right part with the right color combination in the right place. Let’s say you are in a grassland area.ContinueContinue reading “Day 339: Box Turtle Blends In”

Day 336: Box Turtle Gets a Lift

Being a box turtle means you can carry your home with you wherever you decide to go. But it isn’t just any home you are carrying. Your home is extra-secure. Once you decide to head indoors, you can use your super-strong shell muscles to close up tight on both sides – so tight that predatorsContinueContinue reading “Day 336: Box Turtle Gets a Lift”

Day 333: Box Turtle Hibernation Habits

In a box turtle’s world, there are no advantages that come from being born little and cute. It is basically the difference between being appetizer-sized and entree-sized. Otherwise, your responsibilities remain the same right from day one. Foraging? Your job. Finding a mate? Your job. Evading predators? Your job. Hibernating? Yup, you guessed it….your job.ContinueContinue reading “Day 333: Box Turtle Hibernation Habits”

Day 330: Box Turtle Social Skills

Being a hibernating species is a big commitment. From preparing to hibernate, to actually hibernating, to coming out of hibernation again, you can count on spending a good chunk out of every year just on this one project. That doesn’t leave a lot of time left for socializing. In fact, snooze for a lengthy enoughContinueContinue reading “Day 330: Box Turtle Social Skills”

Day 327: The Box Turtle and the Broom

Living life in an interspecies flock really wakes you up to all the variety in the beings of this world. Some are quite short – like you – and have a shell, but they still look very different. Some are quite short, but are very long and covered in fur. Some are small and soContinueContinue reading “Day 327: The Box Turtle and the Broom”

Day 324: Happiest Holidays From Our Flock to Yours!

To YOU, our dearest treasured VIP extended flock member, So much has transpired during this last year we have shared together! For starters, we have all nearly completed another whole year on this round blue planet. Wow. If that wasn’t already enough of an accomplishment in itself, some of us have also come out ofContinueContinue reading “Day 324: Happiest Holidays From Our Flock to Yours!”

Day 321: Big Box Turtle Stretch

Coming out of hibernation – even if just for a day – is guaranteed to make you notice your (adorably cute) box turtle legs, tail and head at a whole new level. After all, you haven’t see one another in awhile. As you are catching up again, you may also find yourself fielding a complaintContinueContinue reading “Day 321: Big Box Turtle Stretch”